Membership Registration System
B. Profile Page
D. How to access the Admin message/announcement section
E. How to change your username, password, email address and make your profile info private
F. How to send messages to other members
Palliative Care Centres Directory
How to update details in the directory
Membership Registration System
A. How to log in
Go to or click on the Member Login link in the Members’ Corner menu at the top of the home page. Refer image below.

You will be forwarded to the Member Login page. Insert your username and password in the relevant boxes. Refer image below.

Once you provide the correct username and password, you will be able to log in to the system and be forwarded to your profile page.
B. Profile page
After you log in, you will be forwarded to Member Profile page. Refer image below.

The Member Profile page has 5 important areas marked by red boxes in the images above.
- Edit Profile link, by clicking on which you will be forwarded to the Edit Profile page.
- Your Registration Number, which is displayed in the right hand panel.
- Your registered Email Address, which is also displayed in the same panel.
- Number of Unread Messages from the IAPC administration, which is displayed in the same panel.
- Link to your Admin Message/Announcement Box, by clicking on which you will be forwarded to your Admin Message/Announcement Box. This message box can also be accessed from the pink notification bar at the top of the Member Profile page. Refer image below.
- The Settings link, where you can change your username, password, primary email address and make your profile information private or public.
C. How to edit your profile
Once you click on the Edit Profile link, you will be forwarded to the Edit Profile page. This is the form which will allow you to edit/complete your profile. Refer image below.

Click on the Expand link marked by a red box in the image above. This will expand the profile edit form and reveal all the sections of the form. Refer image below.

This form will display the available details about you. You can fill in the blank boxes with relevant details and click on the Save button at the top of the form. This will update your profile.

D. How to access the Admin message/announcement section
This section is where IAPC administration sends messages and makes announcements to the members. Click on the link in the pink Announcement Bar at the top of the Profile page. Refer image below.

You can also access this message/announcement section by clicking on the button shown in the image below. This button can be found in the right coloumn, towards the bottom of the Member Profile page
You will be forwarded to the Dashboard of the Message/Announcement section. Refer image below.

Click on the Announcement button marked by a red box in the image above. You will be forwarded to the Announcement List section. Refer image below.

This is where you will be displayed all the announcements from the IAPC administration. By clicking on the subject of any announcement, you will be able to view the full announcement.
Clicking on the Message Box button will take you to the message section to view the messages sent to you by IAPC Administration. This section works in the same manner as the announcement section.
E. How to change your username, password, email address and make your profile info private
Click on the Settings link of your Profile page. Refer image below.

You will be forwarded to the Settings section of your profile. Refer image below.

In this section, you will find the options for changing your username, password and email address. You will also find the option for making your profile information private by clicking on the Privacy link as shown in the image above.
F. How to send messages to other members
Click on the Messages link of the Profile page as shown in the image below.

You will be forwarded to the Members’ Messages section of your profile. Here there are 2 items that you will need to know.

- Message List, where you will be able to view the list of messages you had sent/received to/from other members. Clicking on any message in the list will display the full message on the right panel.
- Compose a New Message icon, clicking on which will open a message composing box on the right panel, as shown in the image below.

Start typing in the search box the name of the person you want to send message to. Names with similar spelling will appear as a list from which you can select the recipient.
After that you can type your message in the text box at the bottom and send it across.
G. How to log out
After you have finished your work in the Members’ Corner, it is very important to log out of the system for security reasons. Click on the Log Out link in the menu at the top of the page. Refer image below.

This will log you out of Members’ Corner and forward you to the home page of IAPC.
Palliative Care Centres Directory
How to update details in the directory
Go to ‘Palliative Care Directory of India’ page (
On that page, you will find a selector for State-wise List of Palliative Care centres.
- Please select your State or UT (Union Territory) from the drop down list to check details of your centre.
- The page that opens will display the list of PC centres within your Sate or UT.
- At the right column of the page you will find a button to submit or update details of Palliative Care centres.
- Click on the button if you need to:
- submit details of your centre to the directory, or
- correct the details of your centre already listed in the directory.
- The page that opens is a form where you are required to fill up the relevant details of your centre carefully.
- Once completed, please click the ‘Submit’ button to record your responses.
Your log in problem is solved by the Web Master. Hope you can log in now.
I am A member.
My profile is not complete.
My ID is IAPC/LF/G/62.
Please check
Hello Dr. Garg! Your issue had been solved yesterday. Please check your email.
I am not able to login with the password provided. My name is Savita Butola and the Regstn Number is IAPC-2017-90000000
Please check your mail.
My name is Savita Butola and registration number is IAPC-2017-90000000. Iam not able to login with the passowrd provided nor can reset the password.
Please check your mail. I have replied to you.
I am unable to register with my email id.I want to become a member of IAPC and make payment
Kindly help me out
Please check your email. You will find the solution.
hello sir… form fill kar diya or successfully bhi bata raha he… pr login krne par account disable bata raha he… kripaya koi solution bataiye ….
Please note that your membership will be activated after it is reviewed by the relevant authority.