Indian Association of Palliative Care

IAPC Annual General Body Meeting – 2021

In 2021, the Annual General Body Meeting (AGBM) of IAPC also will be held as a virtual meeting. The meeting will be held on Saturday, 20th March 2021 from 7 PM to 9 PM. All IAPC members can participate in the AGBM. The meeting link will be sent to all members..


  1. Welcome
  2. Address by the President
  3. Confirmation of the minutes of Annual General Body Meeting 2020
  4. Report by the Secretary
  5. Financial report by the Treasurer
  6. Reports of IAPC Projects, IJPC, Academics, etc.
  7. New Activities and Developments
  8. Election of Office Bearers
  9. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair

If there is an election to elect office bearers, IAPC members participating in the AGBM will have the right to vote.

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