Update by GB Pant Hospital in association with DNipcare on 30th August 2019
Dr. Rathi Balachandran, Assistant Director General Nursing, Ministry of Health & FW, Govt. of India, inaugurated the ‘Continuing Nursing Education Programme’ Palliative Care: An Update.
Dr. Saveena Raheja, Incharge, Palliative Care Unit, Vardhman Mahavira Medical College (VMMC) and Safdarjang Hospital, Dr. (Prof.) Madhu Dayal, Consultant, Palliative Care Unit, VMMC and Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi, Prof. (Dr.) A. T. Kora, Nursing Superintendent, St. Stephen’s Hospital, Delhi, Mr. K. V. Hamza, General Secretary, DNipCare, Ms. Meltina Singh, Chairperson, CNE and Nursing Superintendent, addressed the Nursinng fraternity who attended the program.
The CNE was jointly Coordinated by Mrs. Usha Ahuja, Nursing superintendent G. B. Pant Hospital and Shri Suresh Thaliyaril, Sr. Nursing Officer VMMC and Safdarjang Hospital and Secretary DNipCare.
It has always been the great efforts of Mrs. Usha Ahuja to get the Nursing fraternity updated with the latest in the best interest of suffering patients.
For details log on to www.dnipcare.org.