Announcements / Messages from IAPC
IAPC’s Infographic of the month
The November Infographic focuses on the concept of ‘Total Pain’.
This initiative reflects the IAPC’s constant endeavour to promote palliative care education and awareness across the country.
Please feel free to share this infographic within your networks. The same will be available on our social media platforms and also on our website. Please click here to access the same.
We thank Dr Wasimul Hoda (Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia, RIMS, Ranchi) for his enthusiasm and constant support towards this initiative.
IAPC’s Election Notification
Notice is hereby given to all members of the Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPC), that elections will be held for the below mentioned posts:
- President, IAPC (2025 – 2028)
- Central Council Members, IAPC (2024 – 2026)
- North Zone (2 members)
- North – East Zone (2 members)
- East Zone (2 members)
- South Zone (2 members)
- West Zone (1 member)
Important dates for the upcoming IAPC Elections:
- Last date to submit online nomination: Friday, 15th December, 2023
- Last date to withdraw nomination: Saturday, 20th January, 2024
- In-person election date (if needed): Saturday, 10th February, 2024
The scanned copy of the signed and completed nomination form is to be emailed to the Secretary, IAPC, at before 5 p.m. on Friday, 15th December, 2023. Nominations submitted to any other email address will not be accepted.
Please note that Applicants must use one form for one nomination.
Click here for further information and to download the nomination and CV form.
The IAPC presents ‘Unveiling the Unseen: Spotlighting the Heroes behind the Scenes!’ an initiative to celebrate this year’s WHPCD
In commemoration of this year’s World Hospice and Palliative Care Day (WHPCD), the IAPC put together a special initiative, ‘Unveiling the Unseen: Spotlighting the Heroes Behind the Scenes!’.
The publication aimed to spotlight and unveil the backbones of several Palliative Care teams / units who work silently and tirelessly behind the scenes.
‘Unveiling the Unseen: Spotlighting the Heroes Behind the Scenes!’ is a tribute to these unsung heroes, the administrators, the non-clinicians, and the support teams from various PC teams, who through their creativity, brilliance, dedication and perseverance, help their teams to work efficiently and reach their goals, all while staying in the shadows.
Please click here to view, celebrate and cheer for these ‘Heroes behind the scenes’!
IAPCON 2024 Update: Registrations invited for the IAPCON 2024’s Creative poster competition ‘From Mind to Masterpiece: Turn your ideas into Creative Posters!’
Get your creative juices flowing as the organising team of IAPCON 2024 is inviting registrations for the creative poster competition ‘From Mind to Masterpiece: Turn your ideas into Creative Posters!’.
Any registered participant of the 31st Annual International Conference of the Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPCON 2024) is eligible to participate in this competition by submitting good quality (2-5 MB) photograph (s) of Handmade posters; OR digitally made posters, revolving around the theme ‘Revisiting the domains of Palliative Care’. The files submitted should be in either JPEG / JPG / PNG format and a maximum of 2 submissions per individual is allowed.
Please note that the creator’s name or any other identifier is not mentioned on the poster. Any poster with an identifier will be disqualified. These works of creative art will be judged by a panel of judges based on creativity, novelty, and adherence to the team. The decision of this panel will be final.
Get your creative hats on and submit your work of creative posters by emailing them to before Saturday, 20th January, 2024, and try your chance at winning attractive prizes. For queries related to the poster competition, please email Dr Wasim Hoda at
The 2.5 day in-person conference will be held at the Auditorium, Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, between Friday, 9th February, 2024, and Sunday, 11th February, 2024. The Pre-conference workshops are slated for Thursday, 8th February, 2024.
IAPCON 2024 is themed ‘Revisiting the domains of Palliative Care’, as it aims to enhance the delegates’ practise of palliative care by empowering them with the various aspects in Palliative Care for both cancer and non-cancer patients. Scientific Sessions therefore will include sessions on Oncology, Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Medicine, Nephrology, Geriatric Care etc. Sessions will also include the nursing care plans, role of psychologist, volunteers, NGOs in providing palliative care, along with presentations on research methodology and scientific paper presentations.
Please visit the conference website for further information and to register for IAPCON 2024. For any general query related to IAPCON 2024: +91 9824021999 /
India celebrated ‘WHPCD 2023’ with grandeur and enthusiasm: Details on the IAPC’s National Portal
We are ecstatic to share that the palliative care community in India celebrated this year’s World Hospice and Palliative Care Day (WHPCD) with immense passion and fervour.
We were pleasantly overwhelmed to learn of the varied and diverse ways by which the day was observed whether it was by way of organising academic activities, dance recitals, painting competitions, walkathons, community engagement initiatives, reel making competitions, presenting street plays etc.
Please click here to catch glimpses from these magnificent celebrations from across the county.
The IAPC continues to invite palliative care units / centers / institutions, etc. to share details of your ‘WHPCD celebrations’ for publication in the IAPC’s website, in case you haven’t done so already. Please click here to showcase your celebration on the IAPC’s national platform.
The IAPC congratulates everyone for their efforts and spirit towards celebrating this year’s World Hospice and Palliative Care Day.
Join us for the IAPC and SMA Nirvana’s National multilingual edition of ‘Singing for the Stars’ at 2:50 p.m. on 24th November, 2023
The IAPC and the Shankar Mahadevan Academy Nirvana (SMA Nirvana) invite you to join us at 2:50 p.m. on Friday, 24th November, 2023, for a national multilingual edition of ‘Singing for the Stars’.
This musical edition is dedicated to our friends from across the country.
The evening of harmonies will be presented by Ms Gayitri Bose (Singer, Performing Artist and Music Educator), who will be presenting songs in Hindi and Bangla.
Don’t forget to join us at 2:50 p.m. on 24th November, 2023.
Update from the October event:
The October edition of ‘Singing for the Stars’ was held on Thursday, 26th October, 2023.
The soulful evening of harmonies for the month was presented by Mr Ashwin Prabhu (Vocalist and Performing Artist) who sang popular numbers which kept everyone grooved to their screens.
Our guest singer, Ms Rajni Yarde (Cancer survivor, Pune) also presented a wonderful number during the program.
Team IAPC and Team SMA Nirvana take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to all those who joined us and for spreading smiles during the show.
Apply before 10th November, 2023, to participate in the Bruce Davis Gold Medal Examination 2023
Applications are invited to participate in the Bruce Davis Gold Medal Examination 2023. The Bruce Davis Gold Medal Examination was launched by the Institute of Palliative Medicine (IPM), Kozhikode, India, in 2005, with an aim to improve awareness about palliative care among young doctors in India. This examination is held in honour of Wilfred Bruce Davis, MBE, for his support towards palliative care in India.
Those individuals pursing their final year MBBS, those who have completed their MBBS in or later than 2018, those pursuing their 1st year MD or DNB in Palliative Medicine, and those pursuing Post Graduation in any other discipline are also eligible to apply for the examination. Please note that post graduates pursuing their 2nd and 3rd year of MD or DNB in Palliative Medicine are not eligible to apply.
Please click here to register and participate in the online screening test. Those securing the first five ranks from the national online screening test will be invited to participate in the final examination which will be held at IPM on Sunday, 17th December, 2023. Please write to for further information about this.
The winner of the final examination will be awarded the Bruce Davis Gold Medal in Palliative Medicine, a citation and cash award of Rs. 25,000/- during IAPCON 2024, at Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Those interested are requested to apply before Friday, 10th November, 2023, to participate in this examination.
Leverage the IAPC’s Social Media to stay connected!
The IAPC is inviting each of you to join the IAPC’s Social Media community to network and stay connected with the palliative care community, from India and beyond!
To get started, Follow / Like us on:
The IAPC’s Careers page has been updated to reflect new vacancies from across the country
We invite you to visit the IAPC’s ‘View job vacancy’ page to view the recently updated vacancies in palliative care from across the country.
We request you to please also join us to improve the availability and access to palliative care by either sharing the details of vacancies at your center or by sharing the details of this platform with your colleagues to submit a vacancy from centers rendering palliative care services.
Call for Support: Your 2 minutes = Someone’s entire lifetime of Peace, Comfort and Dignity!
The IAPC requests you to spare just two minutes of your valuable time to submit / update the details of your palliative care services in the IAPC’s National Palliative Care Directory.
Steps to show your support:
- Please visit the IAPC’s National Palliative Care Directory and select the State from the drop down menu to check details of your center.
- If you need to add / update details of your center, then please visit the Submit/Update details of your PC center page on the IAPC website and submit the relevant details.
- After entering the relevant details, please click the ‘Submit’ button to record your responses.
Please do remember that your two minutes will make an invaluable difference in someone’s entire lifetime, as patients and caregivers, along with your colleagues will then have access to palliative care services when they need it the most!
Come on, donate your time to be a bridge in alleviating the suffering of our patients from across the country. Let no one be left behind!
Please click here for guidance on how to update your details.
‘Saath Saath Helpline’: India’s free palliative care helpline
Saath-Saath Helpline: 1800-202-7777, is the first of its kind National, Free-of-cost Palliative care helpline. The helpline offers non-judgmental listening services to palliative patients and their caregivers, or to a patient’s physician, and connects them to the nearest palliative care center.
The helpline has 26 partner organisations working across 17 States and Union territories viz; Maharashtra, Delhi, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Orissa, Punjab, Haryana, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kashmir and West Bengal. Volunteers from Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) and Cipla Palliative Care and Training Centre (CPC) attend the calls in four shifts to either provide information, offer Psycho-emotional support or to refer the caller to a partner organisation.
The helpline provides service through call-in on a phone line and works 6 days a week (Mon-Sat), 10 am to 6 pm.
You can offer your support by informing patients about this helpline and refer those who are in need of such services.