Announcements / Messages from IAPC
IAPC’s Infographic of the month
The Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPC) and the Palliative Care in Humanitarian Aid Situations and Emergencies (PallCHASE) have collaborated to bring out a special series of infographics focussing on palliative care in humanitarian situations. The collaboration will deliver a total of 8 infographics that will be published every quarter.
The February Infographic will be the first from this special series and will focus on the concept of ‘Palliative Care in Humanitarian Settings: A bio-psycho-social-spiritual approach’.
This collaboration reflects the joint vision of both organisations to promote palliative care awareness and education across the world.
Please feel free to share this infographic within your networks. The same will be available on both our social media platforms and also on both our websites. Please click here to access the same from the IAPC’s website.
Calling all poets: Submissions invited for the IAPC’s initiative to celebrate World Poetry Day!
The IAPC invites you to share your voice and experiences through the power of poetry, to celebrate World Poetry Day 2025 (21st March, 2025). This initiative aims to highlight the profound connections, reflections, and moments of healing that define palliative care.
Poets from the palliative care fraternity are invited to share their work with the world as per the following guidelines:
- An original poem (related to palliative care) penned by the submitting poet themself
- Only one submission per poet
- Poem should be in English language only (The English translated version of a poet’s original work from other languages can be submitted)
Please click here for further information and to submit your poem.
The last date to submit your poem is Sunday, 9th March, 2025. The publications will be showcased on Friday, 21st March, 2025.
Notice: The IAPC’s AGBM will be held on 1st February, 2025
Notice is hereby given to all members of the IAPC, that the IAPC’s Annual General Body meeting (AGBM) is scheduled to be held at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, 1st February, 2025. The in-person AGBM will be held at Hall A, Auditorium, AIIMS Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir.
As always, the AGBM will be held on the second day of the Annual International Conference of the Indian Association of Palliative Care. The agenda for the AGBM as below:
- Welcome
- Presentation of the Minutes of the previous last AGBM / CC meeting
- Presentation of the IAPC’s Activities
- Presentation of the IAPC’s Financial Statements
- Presentation of the Indian Journal of Palliative Care’s report
- Update: IAPC Election Results
- Update: Academy of Palliative Medicine (APM)
- Presenting levels of Education in Palliative Care in India
- Update: Compassionate Leadership Fellowship
- Update: Quality and Standards group, ACP working group, home and hospice care group, IAPC and IAPSM, and Family Medicine Group
- Constitutional amendments
- Recommendations for review
- Update: IAPCON 2026
- IAPCON 2027Other matters with the permission from chair
IAPCON 2025 kicks off to a successful start
The 32nd Annual International Conference of the Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPCON 2025) has begun successfully at the Auditorium of AIIMS Jammu, from Friday, 31st January, 2025. The energy filled conference themed ‘Evidence based Palliative Care’ will conclude on Sunday, 2nd February, 2025. IAPCON 2025 is being jointly organised by the J&K Chapter of IAPC and AIIMS Jammu.
Over 310 individuals participated in the 14 very interesting pre-conference workshops conducted on Thursday, 30th January, 2025.
During the next two days, over 550 delegates will continue to be empowered by gaining insights into specially curated sessions presented by expert faculty from India and beyond. The conference will also include high quality paper and poster presentations. Delegates will also enjoy listening to the thought provoking ‘IAPC’s Annual Debate 2025’, watch a nerve wrecking and adrenaline filled ‘IAPC’s Annual Quiz’, while also having an opportunity to unleash their creative sides by participating in the first time ever organised meme competition.
The complete report from IAPCON 2025, will be shared post conference.
Tune in at 2:50 p.m. on 18th February, 2025, for a multilingual edition of ‘Singing for the Stars’
The IAPC and the Shankar Mahadevan Academy (SMA) Nirvana invite you to join us at 2:50 p.m. on Tuesday, 18th February, 2025, for a national multilingual edition of ‘Singing for the Stars’.
This edition of the program is dedicated to our friends from across the country.
The evening of harmonies will be presented by Mr Athishay Jain (Vocalist, Music Composer and Performing Artist).
Don’t forget to join us at 2:50 p.m. on 18th February, 2025.
Update from the January 2025 event
The first edition (January edition) of ‘Singing for the Stars’ for 2025, was held at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 21st January, 2025.
The fun filled evening of harmonies was presented by Mr Kamlakar Prabha (Vocalist and Performing Artist), kept the audience riveted by presenting soulful songs in Hindi and Bangla. We also thank Mr Suri for joining Mr Kamlakar Prabha in presenting a popular hindi number.
Team IAPC and Team SMA Nirvana take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to all those who joined us and for spreading smiles during the show.
Leverage the IAPC’s Social Media to stay connected!
The IAPC is inviting each of you to join the IAPC’s Social Media community to network and stay connected with the palliative care community, from India and beyond!
To get started, Follow / Like us on:
New vacancies from across the country now published in the IAPC’s Careers page
We invite you to visit the IAPC’s ‘View job vacancy’ page to view the recently updated vacancies in palliative care from across the country.
- Senior Resident at St Johns Medical College Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka
- Assistant Professor at St Johns Medical College Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka
- Palliative Care Physician at Golden Butterflies Children’s Palliative Care Foundation, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
- Medical Officer, Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital and Research Center, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
- Junior Resident at St Johns Medical College Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka
- Medical Officer at Sri Sathya Sai Palliative Care Centre, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh
We request you to please also join us to improve the availability and access to palliative care by either sharing the details of vacancies at your center or by sharing the details of this platform with your colleagues to submit a vacancy from centers rendering palliative care services.
Call for Support: Your 2 minutes = Someone’s entire lifetime of Peace, Comfort and Dignity!
The IAPC requests you to spare just two minutes of your valuable time to submit / update the details of your palliative care services in the IAPC’s National Palliative Care Directory.
Steps to show your support:
- Please visit the IAPC’s National Palliative Care Directory and select the State from the drop down menu to check details of your center.
- If you need to add / update details of your center, then please visit the Submit/Update details of your PC center page on the IAPC website and submit the relevant details.
- After entering the relevant details, please click the ‘Submit’ button to record your responses.
Please do remember that your two minutes will make an invaluable difference in someone’s entire lifetime, as patients and caregivers, along with your colleagues will then have access to palliative care services when they need it the most!
Come on, donate your time to be a bridge in alleviating the suffering of our patients from across the country. Let no one be left behind!
Please click here for guidance on how to update your details.
‘Saath Saath Helpline’: India’s free palliative care helpline
Saath-Saath Helpline: 1800-202-7777, is the first of its kind National, Free-of-cost Palliative care helpline. The helpline offers non-judgmental listening services to palliative patients and their caregivers, or to a patient’s physician, and connects them to the nearest palliative care center.
The helpline has 26 partner organisations working across 17 States and Union territories viz; Maharashtra, Delhi, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Orissa, Punjab, Haryana, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kashmir and West Bengal. Volunteers from Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) and Cipla Palliative Care and Training Centre (CPC) attend the calls in four shifts to either provide information, offer Psycho-emotional support or to refer the caller to a partner organisation.
The helpline provides service through call-in on a phone line and works 6 days a week (Mon-Sat), 10 am to 6 pm.
You can offer your support by informing patients about this helpline and refer those who are in need of such services.