The European Association of Palliative Care held its virtual conference at Palermo on the 7th,8th and 9th of October 2020. There were six poster presentations and one poster discussion by IAPC Members. Two of them were shortlisted as award winning!

A Thematic distribution of the posters presented at the EAPC from the IAPC – Palermo, Italy, 2020


1 PrarthnaJayaseelan, DeodharJayita , Ghoshal Arunangshu ,DamaniAnuja, MuckadenMaryann, Kuriakose Jyothsna ,P Prasun

2 Jyothsna Kuriakose, Deodhar Jayita, Damani Anuja, Ghoshal Arunangshu, Muckaden MA, Vinaya kKunal, Sonawane Rutula, Jayaseelan Prarthna, P. Prasun

3 Seema Rao, Shinde T, Muckaden MA, Ganpathi KV, Deodhar J, Salins N (Award winning)

4 Vidya Viswanath, Digumarti L, Palla T, Dasu MR, Salins N

5 Daniel Sunitha, Manuel Athul J , Leng Mhoira E F, Venkateswaran, Chitra

6 Venkateswaran, Chitra, Daniel Sunitha, Chittazhathu Rajashree. K, Rana Smriti, Leng Mhoira E F, Palli COVID Kerala study group.

7 Saurabh Joshi, Upkar Joshi, Ankur Bahl, Devavrat Arya, A K Anand, Ramandeep Singh Arora (Award winning)

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