ICPCN Mumbai Declaration 2014
We believe that all children (neonates, children and young people) have the right to the best quality of life. When they have life-limiting conditions they have the right to high quality palliative care to meet their needs.
We believe that euthanasia is not part of children’s palliative care and is not an alternative to palliative care. It is imperative that we work together to improve access to children’s palliative care around the world, including ensuring access to appropriate pain and symptom control.
We call on all governments to transform children’s lives through the development of children’s palliative care, and in particular we urge the Belgian government to reconsider their recent decision to allow euthanasia of children.
This includes:
- Access to children’s palliative care within the children’s health care system
- Access to appropriate pain and symptom management (including medications) for all children
- Supporting children and their families to be able to live their lives to the best of their ability for as long as possible.
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