News & Events

IAPC initiates Volunteer Certificate Course in Bihar

A training of the Volunteer Certificate Course for community volunteers in Palliative care as recognized by the Indian Association of Palliative Care was conducted on 6th and 7th July 2019 at Mahavir Cancer Sansthan & Research Centre, Patna.

The training programme was inaugurated by Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar, President, IAPC.

This course was coordinated by Dr. Rita Rani, Palliative Care Incharge at MCSRC.

30 candidates from different walks of life participated in the training programme. A pre test was taken before the start of the curriculum They were imparted knowledge about Cancer and Palliative Care through class room teaching, interactive sessions and several small skits.

The skits were prepared by nurses trained in palliative care.

Lectures were taken by their internal and visiting faculties.


Introduction to Hospice and Palliative Care to students of TDMC, Kerela


Inaugural Function for the launch of IAP (Indian Academy of Paediatrics) PAIN and PALLIATIVE CARE Chapter, Delhi

The chapter was launched on July 7th,2019, in Delhi by worthy IAP President Digant Shastri in the presence of Dr.Santosh Soans, Dr.Rekha Harish and a galaxy of IAP stalwarts.


Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care (June 2019 Batch) under aegis of Indian Association of Palliative Care was organized at AIIMS Rishikesh on 1-2 July 2019

AIIMS Rishikesh had already completed two Batch of IAPC course in Essentials of Palliative Care successfully.

Total 46 doctors and nurses were registered for this June 2019 course. 26 Doctors and staff nurses working at various district Hospitals under Government of Uttarakhand were also registered for this course.

Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar, Prof.& Head, Department of Onco-anaesthesia & Palliative Medicine, AIIMS Delhi was key resource person for this contact program.

Prof. Ravi Kant, Director & CEO, AIIMS Rishikesh and Prof. Manoj Gupta, Dean student Welfare were delivered a welcome message to all delegates on inauguration of contact program.

Under guidance of Prof. Surekha Kishore, Dean Academic and course coordinator, course was conducted successfully.


Updates & Information

Palliative care center in Udaipur, India

The fourth palliative care center in Rajasthan will soon be functional at RNT for the patients suffering from pain and chronic diseases . Patients visiting Udaipur Medical College for the treatment of their ailments could get treatment in RNT as per the allocation of funds by the various health schemes and programmes initiated by the Health Ministry of India. Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar, from AIIMS, Delhi, visited the place and in a seminar, informed the doctors and health professionals in RNT regarding the various health plans, to avail the allocation and proper use of funds for the benefit of the suffering humanity.

She added that new methods of treatment will be introduced using advanced machines and drugs.There exists centers in Jaipur, Jodhpur and Bikaner.


New Department Of Palliative Medicine At SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan

In view of the large number of patients requiring Palliative Care at SMS Hospital, Jaipur and keeping in mind the relief provided to patients so far at the Palliative Care Center, by faculty formally trained in this care, the college administration has taken a decision to create a separate Department of Palliative Medicine in the institution. Two post graduate seats have also been announced for the same.

In a recently organized CME the Principal and Controller Dr Sudhir Bhandari made this formal announcement.


Cochrane Library: Oral Morphine for Cancer Pain (Intervention Review)

Cochrane Database of Systemic Review has published the revised edition of 2019, on the research topic,’ Oral Morphine for Cancer Pain’, with the objective to determine the efficacy of oral morphine in relieving cancer pain and to assess the incidence and severity of adverse pain. For details, log on to


Coping with loss: The Dying Adult (Colin Murray Parkes, Consultant Psychiatrist)

An article that focuses on two common problems that arises when people come close to death, fear and grief. Both can be expected to arise in patients, their families and- though we are reluctant to admit it-in their doctor and other carers…… (to read more, log on to


‘ARIKE’- Professional Day Care Nurses at Your Home

A new initiative in Earnakulam, Kerela, providing professional nursing care at home. ‘Arike’ is supported by General Hospital, Earnakulam; National Health Mission, Earnakulam; IMA_Cochin and manual_oneiro foundation.


Forthcoming Events

An IAPC Initiative: iapcayush2019

Click on the image above to view details.


Symposium on ‘Conversations on Death and Dying’

Karunashraya Institute for Palliative Care Education and Research (KIPCER) and End Of Life Care India Task Force (ELICIT) announce a symposium on Conversations on Death and Dying – Negotiating the Maze.

Saturday, November 9th and Sunday, November 10th, 2019, at Karunashraya, Bengaluru. For further details contact: Email – | Phone: +919739801877


Seminar and Workshop on PALLIATIVE CARE: Meeting the need for Holistic Palliative Care

Organised by Sharon Medical and Charitable Trust. From August 23rd to 25th, 2019, Salem, Tamil Nadu.

For more details: contact +919787807964,,


IAPC Annual Conference, IAPCON 2020, Guwahati

Click on the image above to view details

The 27th International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care is being organized in Guwahati. You are all cordially invited.

Dates: 14th, 15th & 16th February, 2020.

Venue: GMCH Auditorium Complex, Assam.

Abstract Submission Now Open For IAPCON 2020. Please visit

For donations to the IAPC, for further information write to

Visit us at and send your comments and queries.


Gilly Burns Ethical Serendipity Palliative Care Study / Teaching Tour

For all details log on to

Or contact Lexi Quinton, Sales Support Executive, The Different Travel Company,, +91 7583 024 062


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